The Art of transition – attuned to spirit

photo by Bruno Birkhofer

photo by Bruno Birkhofer

Like the moon we go through phases. In those phases we wax and wane.

We experience a riding of a wave, full circle of emotions, they come in the proverbial form of death, birth, rebirth, grace, miracles, gratefulness & completion. Our emotions are the colours of life. The question is, do the colours paint us or do we paint with the colours?

The first step in awakening to a new perception and reality is realizing that we’ve been asleep. To look at what we’ve walked around, avoided, ignored, silenced. And see that we have agency and influence in the story of our life.

What does that mean? Moving to the next phase or level. We finished a chapter in the story of our book and transition into a new chapter, a new phase.

This is where our need to be alone comes from. Our need for privacy is essential. Retreat is not a passive state, rather an active behaviour. Retreat for us arises in that moment of uncertainty between the completed experience and a new one, a pause that allows us to reflect on what to take forward while we renew our strength.

In this pause we can reflect on:

What have we learned from the previous phase?

What can we take from the learnings of the old?

What can we leave behind? What have we outgrown?

Do we remember what has been useful and can be taken with us?

What new can we produce?

Can we listen to what’s coming to us? Are we open to receive? Without judgement.

When we are attuned to the rhythm of our own being, our individual soul and body, we retreat into our cocoon from time to time, to check in and fine tune our frequency. And soon birth or reinvent our self and come out anew, upgraded.

It is in those quiet moments of contemplation that the most valuable lessons stored in our collective memory will come to the surface. And find the acceptance - It is what it is. Very simple. We often resist acknowledging the deeper meaning of those experiences and complicate things in our mind, make decisions which make life more complex. But life is simple. Complexity is a manmade event.

It is also in our nature to share the lessons of experience and reveal its truths. We mature over our lifetime, and our realm of influence expands as we move through each cycle of experience. Just discern when is the right timing, the right moment, the right community to share.

How can we bring this spiritual currency into the emotional earth plan? How can we be attuned to spirit and bridge our purity of purpose into daily mundane tasks and habits? Through the period of pause and retreat into the cocoon of embodiment. Integration means transition.

Aware people know when to retreat and integrate. They show us that retreat and integration bring strength and clarity about the wisdom garnered during an experience or phase. Through that, we start perceiving life itself as an orchestra in which we all have a unique and essential role to play.

And maybe realize we are character and writer at the same time, independent but interdependent – we can’t play it all on our own.