Not everything that glitters is gold

A profound insight: beauty will save the world. True beauty is harmony between extremes.

photo via Alea Rain

photo via Alea Rain

Yet, our definition of beauty is corrupted. The stories we get told through the Beauty Industry, the endless search for immortality through science, the big illusions of power, success, fame & wealth, are toxic and superficial. Over the last 1000’s of years the game we played in society is called Divide & Conquer. Through corruption and deceit, we managed to fight each other over and over again. Division occurs when we don’t allow different perspectives. With one goal in mind – get distracted from the real problems & the true beauty in front of our eyes.

The corruption we see in this world, in other people, governments, companies in almost every business sector and any size only reflects the corruption we face inside ourselves. The data on our main internal hard drive is corrupted with the stories and beliefs we got told over generations from history and still tell ourselves daily. We are not honest & transparent.

How can we change these stories? True beauty is manifold. An all-embracing approach to life.

Inner beauty: to be deeply connected to our body, understanding the sacred union between body and soul. To feel at home. Our inner child wants to find a home and feel safe to dream & play. To make an effort to rebuild, heal and redesign our individual inner corrupted hard drive, programs and core beliefs.

Which goals & glitter am I chasing? Where am I looking for recognition and love and maybe loose the connection to myself? Where do I lose my inner core needs because I am focused on the outside so much?  Where do I sabotage myself and stop moving to a next level in my life? How do I feel? Instead of retreating in my shell, can I talk it out with someone I trust? Non-confrontational. Rather soulful sensitive.

Outer beauty: To have tolerance and build a human connection to the natural world. Nature has a healing impact on us. It represents the acceptance of the immense diversity of all forms of life. It is caring about the whole. It’s the all loving, nurturing mother this world, our inner child desperately cries for right now.

Do I respect the environment I’m in? Am I grateful for all the things nature provides for me? How do I treat other people? Do I unconditionally accept everyone’s uniqueness and rhythm or try to convince everyone that my perspective is the only truth?

The future of true beauty is a future in service of humanity and harmony with nature, full of generosity, balance, and respect. It is the alignment of our frequency, inner beauty (which lies beyond the 5 senses) and outer beauty. And based in understanding of the interconnectedness of cause and effect, and all the stories we tell ourselves and others.

Do you want to see true beauty in this world? Create balance. Transform yourself.