more we less me

photo Art by imagimo, Nadine Blochberger

photo Art by imagimo, Nadine Blochberger

Newsflash! Did you know? We all share this planetary experience together. (*shocker, right?*)

Everything that happens on Earth affects every single being. For us to create a better world, it is crucial for human beings to recognize this.

A decision made in the marketing department has impact in operations. Food deprivation in Africa affects people in South America. Poverty in India generates lack consciousness in Europe. It might express itself very differently, but the frequencies behind is the same. Their struggle is our struggle, even it happens on a different level, in a different culture.

If someone is walking barefoot across a dessert desperate to find a bug or root to feed their undernourished child, someone else living in an urban environment is anxious how to pay rent and bills. Same energetic frequency, different manifestation.

Same goes for vitality, health & prosperity. When we lift ourselves into love & abundance consciousness, the stronger we get & radiate those frequencies out to other parts of the world.

When we realize the Unity with all creatures we witness the enhancement of our own uniqueness. The paradox: only by seeing the uniqueness in ourselves first, we can witness it in others.

If we cannot feel ourselves, there is no way we can feel a connection to another being. When we don’t create a connection to our own senses, we won’t feel our own discord, hence we won’t feel the plantet’s discord.

This disconnect & separation has created a society full of people who only care about themselves, and what’s happening in their life.

It’s all about me,me,me - you think!? It’s actually about we, we, we.

We are each unique individuals, but need to get perspective that we are all an interconnected web of synthesis, a holistic network of DNA-strands & that we are responsible for the planets well-being.

And if we continue to operate in a single-minded, unhealthy selfish, isolated way - WE as a collective will go down a path of harm, agony & self destruction.

Instead of seeing each other as different by how we look, feel, think, behave & judge the ways someone is not like us, can we start to commit seeing others by the similarities we share? By the things we have in common?

How about flipping the switch & start looking at the positive traits in someone? Let’s play a game: how many good things can we identify in each other?

Let’s change the narrative. Embrace change. Reframe. Paint a new picture. Remember that you are not just living for you, but are part of something much greater, in service to the WE.

What can you do today to think & act more WE and less ME?