How to get clarity on your vision, mission and purpose

photo by Kathrin Federer

photo by Kathrin Federer

This world is full of noise. Gaining clarity is a luxury in today’s overstimulated humans.

Maybe you are a business owner and have to get clarity on your business strategy. Or you are in a “in between phase” thinking about changing direction in your life. Or you want to do meaningful work, contribute, find your purpose, and give back to the world.

But how? In an obscure world how can you see the light on the horizon?

You want clarity but it seems you never have time to think about what you want or its difficult to find creative solutions. You are too busy or simply confused whilst juggling too many things in your life + workload + worry of what happens next in this uncertain world.

It can feel like a lonely place. Lost. Directionless. Overwhelmed.

Clarity doesn’t come though excessively thinking though. In fact, too much thinking increases the chance that clarity runs far, far away from you.

Why? We are too reactive. We always have immediately an opinion or answers on everything to everyone – see social media convos! We want instant gratification or control the outcome of a situation. We think knowing it all at all times gives us credibility and the feeling of safety we crave so deeply.

Good news: there is a solution.

Clarity comes through reflection. And it can’t be rushed. You can’t force it. It comes as visions or insights through us when we are ready to receive.

But here is the catch – it might come as a lighting streak whilst under the shower or subtle through dreams or ideas. The key is listening and then following the intuitive hunch.

Learn to respond instead of reacting. Responding means learn to fall in love with pauses. Allow yourself to take your time to answer. Don’t bend to the pressure of “right now”. Let emotions come and go before you speak.

Trust yourself more. Your inner guidance. Do you know how to access it?

Brings me to an important point. Most people lack clarity and feel lost going round and round in circles, because they don’t have a vision and mission and don’t know their purpose in life.

 While talking to people and my clients I notice the definition of these 3 words seem blurry and are often misunderstood. They are not the same thing, although strongly interconnected.

PURPOSE: we can have several purposes in life, but there is only one core purpose.

A topic that has been coming up a lot this year. Thank you 2020 for shaking us up!

We’re realizing that we’re here for more than the life we’re living AND maybe we don't even want to go back to “normal.”

Our core purpose has nothing to do what we are supposed to DO in this world.

It is already in us. Part of our genius. Waiting to be awaken.

It’s the answer to the question: Who am I deeply? My wholehearted beingness?

It is what grounds you. Your inner compass.

It’s the backbone of your business. The “WHY” are you doing what you are doing.

Once understood and clear it doesn’t change, but it can and should adapt, mature and grow along side with you.

Why does it seem so difficult to find or see our core purpose? Because it’s unconscious and we might need guidance from others who reflect it back at us to unlock our genius and integrate it with other aspects of ourselves.

 When we become clear on our core purpose, we make better choices in life, feel fulfilled, create better relationships, design aligned business models and generate prosperity.

 It is the fundament for sustainable company growth, environmental & future awareness, social intelligence not based on short-term sales and employee motivation programs, but on long-term trust, creativity, and conscious leadership.

If time would be infinite (take away all the must and should do’s): What and Who do you really want to be in this lifetime? What impact would you like to have?

Contemplate. Take the pressure off. Ground in earth. Touch your skin. Breathe. Take socks and shoes off. Feel your feet in the soil. If you connect with your body, it is much easier to identify.

VISION: as the word suggests, it is what we see in the future. And sometimes its only us and no one else at the beginning who can see or feel that picture.

It is an inner knowing. A knowing which can feel scary because we can’t explain where it is coming from. Don’t fear, it might be coming from the wisdom deep ingrained in your DNA. It’s a cell memory.

It is the answer to questions such as - What is my dream? How does an ideal world I like to live in look like? Where do I see us as a species going? How does the planet look like in the future?

Your vision is your “WHAT” are you here to do or achieve. It doesn’t change. Once crystal clear it is your north star on the sky in the dark nights of your soul. It’s the direction you are going.

MISSION: this is your “HOW” you get to achieve your vision whilst living aligned with your purpose.

You can have several missions. The way you get there will change over time. You can be on a mission by yourself or co-create projects with others. Or both. Whatever feels correct in the moment in your stage of life.

With a strong purpose and vision, you can adapt and re-create your mission and navigate through any crisis and overcome any obstacle. Challenges turn to opportunities.  

2020 was a year of personal development. Where do you have clarity? In which area of your life do you want more clarity?

There has never been a better time to figure this out.