How to deal with times of change and uncertainty

photo by imagimo

photo by imagimo

And the answers we're looking for? They aren't "out there”. They are inside of us. In our unique energetic blueprint.

There is no return to “normal”, this is a global shift. When things change, we must push the reset button, get back to basics. Restart the story of humanity, the interconnectedness of all life. Go back to the roots. Maybe this time we get it right.

What helps me most when I feel uncertainty, overwhelm, fear and stress? Trying to find a calm space. Alone. To centre myself and ask a few questions to move me away from all the noise that is happening around me. To get an objective viewpoint and new insights that can profoundly change my concepts about things & life. 

In times of turmoil, it is helpful to put things into perspective; this current situation is, after all, part of a program that is unfolding according to a greater plan. Life goes in cycles and we have seen this happening time and again — a destruction of old forms to clear the way for what comes next.

Acceptance is the very first step, most often overlooked. If we skip it, nothing will change for the better. Why are we so dependent on our societal systems? Instead of resisting change, I surrender, accept that it is a part of life and see the magic begin unfolding in front of me.

Accepting this pressure for mutation concerns our existential and material wellbeing and we are called upon to be extremely resourceful and resilient in dealing with our current limitations. The virus affects us both physically and economically and becomes a powerful agent for global transmutation. And this is just the beginning. It will only intensify over the next years. Let’s get ready and jump on the train by being self-responsible.

It just seems easy operating in a mode of getting instant sales, gain wealth & profits. It turns out that this worldview is deeply flawed. Isn't our economic model outdated? It is unsustainable, self-destructive, and it is time to break apart.

I find it quite amusing and interesting at the same time, that a supposed stable economic global system gets crushed within 2 weeks due to a virus. Who else can find the humor amidst this tragedy?

When we look deeper, behind this distraction, what’s really going on in this world we find that we cannot trust big entities anymore. Our governments & health systems care about elderly people, neither now nor before. Imagine something worse happens…

On the upside though, if it was that easy.. boy! It just shows me that nothing is certain but being centered in our bodies and own inner authority, our intuition & knowing. It shows me that we by ourselves can change things almost with a finger snip, within a short period of time.

There are certain things logic can’t touch. The problem is, we, as a society are not asking the right question. We are taught to shut up and follow the herd. It’s time that we breathe, calm down, go inwards, pause & reflect now how we want to live in the future. Maybe we realize that we as individuals have so much power and don’t need to cling for help from governments and large corporations. Use those systems smartly, don’t get dependent.   

It is not the time to trust our authorities anymore, to make decisions for us. To optimize our situation and become future-ready we need to take our own decisions. When we become self-responsible, more independent, uncertainty will transform into clarity over time. We can find great strength and support in our communities and families; we are here for each other.

It’s time to look out and care for ourselves & others. The health & vitality of our planet is directly reflected in our own health & vitality. We poisoned all water, soil, air, food, plants & medicine by our actions so much that we ourselves got sick – emotionally, mentally & physically.

It’s time to start loving what we have in life. Instead of buying and hoarding stuff, I go counter-intuitive and see what things lying in my flat which haven’t been used for years and what can I reuse for a different purpose. MacGyver style, you know? I mean, for real tho! Same goes for creative meal plans. I know it is a tough time, lets grief for a while, allow being scared and angry. But soon let’s learn how to connect emotionally, play, laugh, create, think outside the box. It’s time for building new structures, new jobs, new leadership.

I see it repeatedly, we are too fast in responding, instead of pausing before answering or reacting to someone or something. When I catch myself, I stop and hold on. Where does the pressure come from? Where in my body do I feel it? In my root chakra, in my throat, in my head? From outside? In which emotional state I am in right now? Is it urgent to react now or at all?  

The enemy is not our neighbor with a different opinion or the one who overreacts because he is anxious. We all cope differently with situations. Imagine our world loves without discrimination, without judgment about each other, loves life and everything in it equally. This is not a time to discuss who is right or wrong if this virus is manmade or naturally arising.  

The enemy is somewhere else – the fear and panic infused reactions. We need to guide each other, not being guided by outer authorities – governments, systems who only follow their own agenda.

In fact, our diversity is more important than ever, to explore different ideas, keep an open mind. We need many different perspectives now to come to our own truth. In the end, we experience oneness through diversity, we create unity through uniqueness.

As always, it is up to us to make the right choices — choices that impact our own lives and the lives of others. There is nothing quite like seeing clearly who we are, and who we are not, having our own inner security and authority to rely on when confronted with challenging decisions, or even just small daily ones. We can find balance and peace amidst the chaos and carry our individual gifts out into the world.

How can we hold the torchlight high up during turbulent times? How can we become a lighthouse for other people?