resistance to change leads to crisis


We don't always have to say something, this world is loud enough. I had no intention to share my thoughts about the current C-Virus situation, because of that. It is the 3rd day though; I feel an inner rising impulse urging me to write about what I sense.

A vulnerable time, overwhelming and uncomfortable for most of us. Turbulence. Uncertainty. Fear is in the air. Fears of vulnerability, death, uncertainty & inexperience. And I only wished, more people would be aware that fear feeds more fear and is one of the most contagious things existing.

Ever heard of the saying: where attention goes, energy flows? It is science. It is psychology. The current situation is a self-fulfilling prophecy. With every thought, every panic attack, every word and every post on social media and daily news, our collective consciousness in lower expression (fear) has manifested the exact thing we fear the most.

I see people who are opinionated and go against each other. I see shame and blame, finger-pointing and judgment, just because someone has a different perspective or opinion. Everyone thinks he/she knows better, wonders why someone else is afraid or so emotional. I see hateful aggressive comments. I see people in survival mode. I see conflict, instead of solutions. Our global frequency went drastically down. We need fewer opinions, less self-righteousness, and more science, more inquiry, more idealism. I only wish people would be less self-centered, but more self-reflected.

As controversial as it might sound– this virus is our future. It happens for us, not to us. And I do understand that this sounds crazy at first sight. Covid 19-virus is just a symptom, the root cause is somewhere else. It is time to open our eyes. It is time to wake up.

Within a cycle, decline is a natural but not enduring stage. Action without awareness leads always without fail to an emotional crisis. A shift of feeling is the cure and the end of a cycle.

What is the cycle which currently coming to an end? Our dependency and reliability on carefully set up strategic systems, like governments, health care institutions, financial and education systems, etc. And this is just the beginning.

In times of change, we act out of emotions but should wait for emotional clarity to know which direction best to take. Instead, we yell at each other and act out of trauma response. This is our nervous system regulation kicking in. Either we jump in flight or fight mode because we feel triggered and want to snap back to others opinions & over-prepare like a zombie apocalypse and the end of the world is happening right now or we freeze completely and shut down, the denial at all, we watch no news or consider the facts. Whatever your reaction is, don’t feel shame. These things are here to heal your trauma.

Don’t believe everything the media tells, most often than not the ones who sell the panic are also the same who sell the pills. That’s the way to keep control over us, that’s exactly what people and institutions in mighty power positions want – separation of people, countries, and nations through injecting fear and even more uncertainty, which creates turbulence. Because when people react in lower frequencies like fear, we are easy to control.

Use discernment what you let in to believe, what you consume otherwise our global underlying frequency of indifference will expand drastically. We see this already, people become indifferent to others by hoarding and piling up food and toiletry, they become utterly selfish as soon their own life is threatened. That’s how wars get started btw when we are not emotionally strong and intelligent. We need better education so people have more perspectives at hand and the possibilities to make the right decisions for themselves. Emotions are power. How can we turn our anger, pain or anxiety into motivation, trust, and joy on this journey?

The real issues are not a virus, the real issues are far deeper and more subtle to witness:

1. On a personal level: radical personal responsibility of emotional resources - it is about how are we dealing with overwhelm, uncertainty & emotions to overcome and handle a personal and global crisis. How can we keep the energy and determination to persevere in the face of opposition? How can we build up strength & emotional power to handle a crisis? As we gain emotional intelligence, we gain clarity over time, we learn how to handle emotional crises created by others and stop creating emotional dramas by ourselves.

I know we need to stop judging and blaming others for their opinion and how they feel, and be more accepting and open-minded, we don’t need to agree but do we need to hate another for thinking, feeling and believing differently?

We are currently confronted with the fact that life is mortal and maybe shorter than it ought to be. What is really asked of us is self-care and self-love, to be authentic and be of integrity. We heal the world by healing ourselves. This virus is forcing us to finally stop distracting ourselves by running around like crazy chickens functioning and doing unimportant stuff. To stop being so superficially busy, get pushed into overwhelm, burn out and depression. It is asking us to finally slow down, look inwards, reflect and be with ourselves. All doing and distractions like TV, news, traveling, working long hours, meetings, social events, hobbies, drinking, etc lets us stay in our comfort zone because we don’t want to be confronted with deep emotions so we avoid or numb them.

A few questions to ask: Are you happy with your life as it is? When was the last time you spend quality with your family, friends, and acquaintance in full presence without checking your phone? When was the last time you read a physical book? When was the last time you thought about yourself, how you feel, what you want, who you like to surround yourself with, what passions or purpose you have? When was the last time you allowed yourself to sleep in? When was the last time you have been truly creative, just for the sake of it? When was the last time you danced at home? With someone, by yourself? When was the last time you walked for more than 30 mins in a row somewhere in a park or so sensing nature? When was the last time you spent by yourself, in silence? No TV, no book, no radio, no spouse, no kid, no dog or cat, no nothing? And yes, also yoga and meditation are a form of doing and distraction – it still distracts from being.

And when you are honest with yourself, many of you know you don’t live a life you dream of. Hand on heart, do you really want to live in the house you are in, the country, sleep in the bed you sleep, next to this person, do this job, and surround yourself with the people you do? Can you imagine believing the same things in the next years than now and still be content? Life is mortal. Where do you miss ease, fun, human connection and light-heartedness? Which emotions are you suppressing?

Maybe the ones not sick but locked in quarantine are the lucky ones, they are forced to look inside, to be at home with their not so well functioning families or even fake life illusions when you do not have the “excuse” to go to work or meet friends and pretend everything is fine.

2. On physical level: all comes down to our immune system health. If we are stable, balanced & healthy, we don’t get sick so easily. But our lifestyles most often don’t allow a stable immune system in the first place. We get polluted, we eat fast food or overly processed, overeat, use chemicals for skin and artificial pills instead of natural remedies, over-consume information, drugs, plastic, sleep too little, overwork, rushing and hustle around, breathe shallow, isolate, don’t move our bodies, dilute our energy into wrong toxic relationships.

I think it is a perfect time to use common sense and the most respectful behaviour towards each other to step away from some major events which are not urgent or necessary to attend, to protect the weaker and elder people. To have a hygiene ritual which is more frequent, eat better quality food, take natural vitamins & herbs, sleep longer, slow down, be with family, think about yourself, reflect on your current situation and future. Get to know yourself. And your loved ones. Take time for yourself, recover from stress and worry. When the body settles & calms down, the mind can settle too.

And it is good for our environment too, let’s be honest. Finally, we are motivated to support initiatives for climate change. Finally, we can use all this technology to connect with loved ones via phone or video chat. Social disconnection does not equal social isolation.

3. On a global level: our focus on money and playing the finite mind game who is better and faster is the problem. A balance of power between east and west. The economy will take a hit in the face, especially small to medium businesses; although I suspect most of the companies will recover. And I know the anxiety about how to pay bills can feel ultra-stressful, but please trust solutions will come.

I see a huge chance for humanity, the individual and the economy to restructure a new era and build a “new world” based on new rules, better values, equality, equanimity, more humanness, collaboration & connection. How could that look like? I have it crystal clear.

When we use this time to rethink how we do business. This is not a start of a crisis when we choose to see it for what it is – this is the chance to be creative, work together, build new sustainable, holistic, interconnected smart business models. When we simplify complexity, act locally with a just cause and joined vision in mind. A circular economy is not just a company sustaining itself within a recycled system. Think global circular economy as a physical, tangible world wide web and interconnected network of companies that collaborate so almost zero waste is left over. We need to stop thinking in silos and start to orchestrate the big picture. We need to start playing an infinite game, in which everyone wins.

The reason why we feel we are in crisis because we are not adaptable and creative enough. That’s why many companies cease to exist. This is what people do wrong since millenniums: fight against what is not working & start revolutions. Now is a chance to get it right in history: an evolution to dream bigger to see and feel a new reality. Focus on the right things. Not putting our minds into what we don’t want.

The virus is the beginning of our future as harsh as this sounds to most of you. Deep down inside yourself, when you remove resistance from your own operating system, you know this is the truth.

We already have an antidote to this virus: compassion, empathy & mindfulness. Support each other, care for self - that’s the purpose. With our hearts open it isn’t possible to be overwhelmed. It is not possible to fear uncertainty. We might be mortal, but our hearts can open infinitely to accommodate anything and everything. I suggest stopping feeding the virus. But the choice is yours.