Podcast #8 (Deutsch)

“Gedanken zum Zeitenwandel”

Nadine Blochberger im Interview mit Stephanie Korn in ihrem Podcast Unique’ Korn – dein Human Design Impuls-Cast“, der einen einzigartigen Raum für unsere menschliche Individualität und Wahrhaftigkeit kreiert durch Human Design.

Wir sprechen über das spannende Thema „Zeitenwandel“ und gehen tiefer in jene Details des Human Designs, die uns aufschlussreiche Perspektiven über die Veränderungen, die auf uns warten eröffnen. Gleich zu Beginn ent-täuschen wir unsere Zuhörer: Denn auch wir haben keine Glaskugel oder unantastbare Zukunftsprognosen … Der bevorstehende Paradigmenwechsel, der vor allem mit den energetischen Veränderungen im Jahr 2027 zusammenhängt, ist und bleibt ein Mysterium, das wir jedoch mit unserer Expertise in ein klareres Licht rücken. Unser gemeinsames Anliegen ist es, den Zuhörern die Angst vor größeren strukturellen und persönlichen Veränderungen zu nehmen, und zu einer Art von Selbstführung zu ermutigen, die in Leichtigkeit mit dem Willen des Großen Ganzen ko-operiert.

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Podcast #7 (English)


In THE PRETZEL Podcast guest Nadine Blochberger interviewed by Marko Lindgren on the topic “procrastinate” based on her live talk at CreativeMornings Munich on the 30th of April 2021. A pretzel is not only a crisp biscuit baked in the form of a knot and flavored with salt, very famous in Bavaria, Germany, but means to twist, bend, or contort. CreativeMornings Munich is a chapter of CreativeMornings a breakfast lecture series for the creative community.

We talk about the true root causes of procrastination, why people struggle and how to overcome by recognizing the value and positive sides of procrastinating. Nadine shares the story behind her procrastination and how she received her vision and purpose for her professional career by re-directing her path and allowing to find deeper meaning in life. Additionally, she gives us orientation why creativity and self-leadership are fundamental requirements to build a better and beautiful future. If you want to shape your world, this is for you.

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Podcast #6 (English)

“Become That Leader”

Nadine Blochberger interviewed in the podcast THE SPEAKING DIARY by The Wayfarer Abdul Gani Punjabi. He records stories of great personalities, sharing their insights, wisdom, lessons, observation of life, and experiences. A diary that expresses raw emotions, exploring life as a mystical journey. With the goal to support our Youth and leave an inspirational legacy behind.

In this episode we talk about why we need to redefine leadership. How does it need to evolve to meet our current and future needs? Conscious Leadership as the baseline of building a fulfilling personal life and sustainable businesses. How to become that leader? Emotions as guiding lights on our individual journey. Why Emotional Intelligence plays a part of being a Conscious Leader to deal with inner and outer conflicts? Creativity as source for inspiration. How to unlock your Inner Artist for perfect self-expression and expand awareness? And Nadine’s advice for young people to be able to solve root causes of problems, develop themselves and make a contribution.

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Podcast #5 (English)

“How to declutter your inner wardrobe”

In the podcast “THE POWER OF FASHION” Tara Patten interviews guest Nadine Blochberger and other thought leaders from around the world to discuss the impact of our personal style, shopping choices and how every decision we make changes the trajectory of our lives.

In this episode we discuss what it means to “declutter your inner wardrobe” and focus on the inner work we have to experience, that foundational mindset and emotional work necessary to see lasting outer results and make an impact. Nadine and Tara talk about how they met in Ibiza 5 years ago and all the magic that has happened on their individual soul-searching, spiritual journeys since that time leading up to their reunion on this episode. We share some simple yet universal truths we discovered. And how I attune to my inner harmony and frequency as a multi-passionate person, a Generalist. How that aligns with the work I do today to serve this world with my genius? Listen and find out for yourself. Remember one decision can change your life! Enjoy!

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Podcast #4 (German)

“Paradigmenwechsel: von der Hero’s Journey zur Artist’s Journey”

Nadine Blochberger im Interview mit Jan Stiewe in seinem Podcast “I AM FREE”, der dich an deine Freiheit und Einzigartigkeit erinnern möchte mit Human Design und 64 keys.

Im Interview fragt Jan was hinter meinem Slogan “Life is an Art & the Art of Life itself” (Das Leben ist eine Kunst & die Kunst des Leben selbst”) steckt und wir erklären wie jeder von uns von der ausgedienten Hero’s Journey zum neuen Weg der Artist’s Journey übergehen kann. Wir schildern Ansätze, wie man in Zeiten von Unsicherheit, Veränderung, Lockdown und Trennung klarkommt und beschreiben den Weg von strategischer zur fließenden Selbstführung - raus aus der Überforderung und zurück in die eigene Kraft. Ich gebe Erfahrungen, Wahrnehmung und Perspektiven aus meinem Leben und Rolle als Reflektorin by Human Design.

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Podcast #3 (German)

“Die Kunst der Selbstführung: wie man richtig & zukunftsfähige Entscheidungen trifft”

Nadine Blochberger im Interview mit Functional Basics by Carsten Wölffling - Deine Basis für Gesundheit, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung & mehr Lebensqualität

Mit einem ganzheitlichen Blick auf das Thema reden wir nicht nur darüber wie man richtig und zukunftsfähige Entscheidungen trifft, sondern verbinden damit auch wie das uns zu einem authentischen selbstbestimmten Leben verhilft, über Blockaden zur Selbstführung, z.B. Prokrastination, Zweifel und Ängste, den Stories in unserem Kopf (Verhaltens -und Denkmuster), geben praktische Tipps, uvm.

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Podcast #2 (English)

“We need specialists, but the future belongs to generalists”


Our media platform on-demand streaming channel currently reaches 104 countries worldwide each month with interviews by some of the most renowned success stories in business today.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Nadine Blochberger discuss the following:

  1. How should we deal with the many challenges facing our local & global economy?

  2. What should our strategy be before the economy and capitalism as we know it today collapses? 

  3. Who are the people that move and lead this transformation forward?

  4. Does a single opinion count and is anyone interested in what we have to say? What can each of us individually do?

  5. How can we unite our individuality without losing our diversity?

  6. How can a holistic economy look like? Can you give an example?

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Podcast #1 (English)

“In The Shoes Of - See the World From Another Perspective”

Living in accordance with the authentic self, true communication, surrendering to life, and much more is discussed in this interview with Nadine Blochberger. In The Shoes Of is a movement. It is an ideological weapon to go head to head with "us vs. them" mentalities, exclusionary tribalism, polarization; all of these are byproducts of outdated cultural constructs and...fear.

In whatever medium used, the goal is to see life as much as possible through the eyes of another with the hope of eliminating some misunderstandings we have of one another. Perception is unique to the individual, as it should be. However, sometimes we all need to try and widen the horizon of our finite worldviews. Sometimes just trying makes all the difference.

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