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The art of impact – release the dark wound of false belief

Does life make you feel uncomfortable? Does it even sometimes provoke you?

In our fast-paced, stressed society where being busy and having a career is still prized above health and above family, where success is defined by material wealth and personal status, there is little room for what truly matters.

But we can make that room, re-arrange our schedules, redefine and re-establish our priorities. We have a choice, regardless of what our bosses, our colleagues, our peers—and yes, even our own families—may say. The only thing keeping us from making the choices we want to make, deep down, is fear, uncertainty, and the force of habit.

There is a dark wound in the consciousness of humanity which demands perfection and denies process.

If we are thinking of publishers before we have written the book; if we are comparing our unfinished song idea to the latest top electronic scene release, if we have decided we are not worthy enough to succeed before we have given it everything we’ve got.

If we believe we can only impact the world with the newest inventions, technology, the most intellect inspirations, the articles we are writing, through being in high paying roles of leadership and show off with material success. (Which, not always, but most often is only a cry for help. A cry for attention, recognition of worthiness and love.)

If we believe the impact has to be huge and always involve millions of people, a ton of money and the greatest ideas in the world.

If we believe impact only can happen when we are officially called “influencer”, speaker, author, entrepreneur, CEO or president.

Then, this wound takes hold of us.

Yet, without realizing we are having an impact every day. Everyone is an influencer, in every moment. We are influencing with every thought & purchase we make, every step we take and every word we spill out.

True impact is in the little things. The smile we give to the cashier in the supermarket, the hand we hold while walking with our kids, the eye contact and appreciation we make, the good morning & hello we whisper, relationships we honor, the shoulder we lend to cry on, the space we give, the conversations we have and how well we care about our nature and environment.

We have to let go of the tight strangling grip of perfectionism, that righteousness of “only the big things count” or “a single human cannot make a difference” and let ourselves and even the seemingly smallest ideas bloom. To stand up for what we believe in.

Instead of running from it, why not let it in? Why not relieve it from the dark ground of the bottom of our heart & let is see the light? Let’s look at the things that wind us up. Let’s look at the obstacles that life places our way – along with our destiny, relationships, work, and our bodies.

Let’s take courage to look into ourselves. Which pattern or habit is it connected to? What stirs our passion? What makes our heart sing?

Our intuition will tell us. Our body will tell us. And then, don’t doubt what you hear and feel. Contemplate it and maybe you’ll find yourselves doing something about it.

Having impact is not a privilege for only someone who owns a title of leadership. True leadership is far more than that. It has nothing to do with having a famous title. It is being conscious in the decision we make and how we react to people, animals, and situations. Out of fear or love? Leadership starts with leading ourselves first.

We can’t impact another or millions by being a template of someone else “foolproof system”.

We can’t impact another when we do not put ourselves out there while staying true to ourselves.

Don’t become someone you’re not. No slimy tactics needed to get attention and increase visibility. When we are authentic, the world can’t look away.

How we choose to show up magnetizes what shows up for us. What kind of impact would you like to have? Choose wisely.