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Individuality - In order to have self-expression, we first have to have a self to express

photo by Nadine Blochberger

What is one of the core yearnings of human beings? To feel a sense of belonging & build a communion. But instead of seeing the beauty in diversity we do the absurd counter-intuitive and try to adopt behaviours of others, be like someone else, hide our quirky character traits, try to look like everyone else, follow certain beauty standards to feel accepted, integrated & seen.

If we understand that each of us is like a puzzle piece and all have an individual unique position to play in this life than we only see the full function picture of the puzzle by working together through our differences. Global change does not require loud aggressive revolutionary pursuits, the initial revolution must happen inside of ourselves. It is a silent revolution.

That requires awareness. Awareness develops through observation. Out of this awareness develops a distinct way of seeing experiences from our unique perspective. This becomes the foundation for new, aware pathways for observing the way our mind operates. Our individual way of thinking and expressing develops through the practice of observing our perspective and its distraction; and awareness of our mind’s motivation as it expresses how we see and think about our experiences of life.

These observations, when asked for, can be communicated and provide value for others. Communication is one of the great gifts of being human, to be able to share one’s individual experiences of life, how one sees and thinks about those experiences. We are not here to be all things to all people. We are here to live out our body’s narrow, specific path and to be able to share that experience with others. In this way, all our lives are enriched through communication. Your observations of your life are going to be so different than my own; I will never have your experience, even if I sit beside you.

So, what stops us to ask & learn from others how they perceive the world and life without judgment only curiosity? What would happen? We would enrich our lives with even more experiences and knowledge. Isn’t that beautiful?

Here is the paradox, only through the recognition of our individual uniqueness we will understand and create unity. And feel a sense of belonging to build communion.

What is individuality?

The particular character, or qualities, that distinguishes one person or thing from others; sole and personal nature. And the ability to live & love impermanence. Why? Society is forever changing, moving forward. There is not only one way or solution, but many. For each of us, and our businesses. The collectively distorted world makes us believe our “otherness” is a misfit, too weird, too eccentric, we’re not good enough. We only need to follow best practices, methods or strategies to achieve goals. To find and define ourselves like everyone else. Which makes us feel more rejected as to belong somewhere.

Objectivity gets removed out of an equation, whenever methods get produced. When you get a method, product or solution suggested, be mindful. Stop, think and feel into it. Question it. Is this right for me, right now? Or do I just want to feel accepted, have a quick fix or instant gratification? To call something best practice is not a replacement for discernment, knowledge or creativity. To look at things from a black or white perspective limits our spectrum of true experience. Our individuality gets ignored. But it is our greatest asset.

This is not only about differentiation; it is about our individual uniqueness to be unleashed. To discover our inner truth as we move to become more self-empowered. This is what we are here for.

However, individuality also bares potential danger – too much selfishness, egocentrism, narrow-mindedness, and intolerance. People will misunderstand, misuse it for their ego and not a common cause or sense. Consequently, people could care less about each other. Those indications are already spreading like an epidemic today. It is going to get worse & could cause rebellion unless we adjust the way we are heading. When used for good it’s exactly the opposite. Understanding our own uniqueness and that of others results in more intimate relationships, more joyous moments, respect and acceptance for each other.

How can we unite our individuality without losing our diversity?

When we educate people to think for themselves, to identify their own values, think in communion and nature around us instead of relying on single narcissistic leaders who perceived to run this world. We can truly make this world more peaceful and loving. Only then we can get off ego trips, value and help each other. That what this is all about.

What wild unconventional voice is calling to you? A voice so different & unusual that it might be hard to decipher?

In our current phase in history, we are in a kind of “new learning program”, which takes place at a higher consciousness level as ever before. It takes highly individualistic & creative people to learn to work with each other without compromising who they are, in order to reach a common goal. It’s wonderful & challenging work at the same time. Means we need a strong sense of self in order to engage in this process & not lose our voice during the journey. We must intuit what is going to be a good-hearted inspired sacrifice for the greater good & when to stay true to our own voice. Only the heart can guide us, but it does not always agree with our instincts.

How to express ourselves? What’s our voice? How to discover our boundaries and give room to our emerging individuality?

By knowing ourselves better, we can live the life we were designed to live. Our life is a work of art in progress. It cannot be dictated to us by the expectations of others. Our essence is expressed in the world through the choices we make about how we wish to live. Life is always mundane. Like it or not. This is life. But it’s about who we are in that process. Are we constantly trapped in the whole mental trip of being on this planet? How it should be or not be? What is right or wrong? Or instead, recognize that this is a mechanism designed to exist? What if we can sit back and let it be, we can watch it? We might see that it is something marvelous and life can be more fun and joyous.

We are all here in this matrix to show up completely as ourselves and to interact with others and the material world in a very unique way to fulfill specific roles throughout our life. It’s a wonderful thing to love yourself and rediscover the dignity of what it is to be you. It is truly magic.

Do you dare to explore what that looks like to live life as yourself?