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Wonder over Worry

photo by Nadine Blochberger

If life would be predictable it probably would be boring.

In our endless pursuit of happiness, we often struggle to enjoy the ride playfully. 
We believe we can acquire the road to happiness - which is a misconception – we fight so hard instead of letting it naturally unfold. Only to realize that happiness is temporarily and not a constant component. 
Once we fall off the happy tree and into the dark and mold place of loneliness and emptiness, what do we usually do, out of primal instinct (fear), to reach the happy state again? – we fill the internal void with external material pleasures, gaining more money to buy cars, clothes, houses, toys and create an inauthentic world of perception and fame around us to seem superior, we cover us up.
Only to realize that happy feeling is also temporarily. 
And *baaaaam* we are back again in the dark mold place, faster than in the movie "Fast and the Furious"
A vivid cycle of self-destructiveness. 

Happiness exists in one place right now – inside ourselves. 

Imbalance does not resonate with our inner feeling and intuition. 
Trust our gut is just half of the puzzle, we need to act on our gut feeling to transform a sense of self-worth. 
We cannot selectively numb emotions, like sadness, anger, pain & fear by default we numb joy, gratitude & happiness and we turn miserable and look for meaning. 
It becomes a dangerous cycle, with our thoughts we make the uncertain certain, distancing us from ourselves, from the dark feelings of loneliness & emptiness.

Could we just settle down and have compassion and respect for ourselves? 
Could we stop trying to escape, not just from feeling of loneliness, but from ourselves at all? 

Relaxing with the feeling whatever it is inside of us is so brave and a worthy occupation. 
It takes tremendous amount of courage to feel ourselves.

Why regret over past experiences, if you have done the very best you can? 
Why worry about future events, if the best is yet to come? 
Forgive yourself, regretting & worrying won’t make it better. 

The most impacting solution for imbalance is to up level our state of consciousness. 
It’s an illusion to think we can solve the same problem with the same state of consciousness. 

If we heal ourselves, we heal the collective, we cannot murder our way to a peaceful planet - when we hurt someone we hurt ourselves, when we help someone we help ourselves. 

The most impacting tool I discovered for myself to find balance and raise the state of consciousness is through meditation. 
There is strength in solitude, in stillness, far away from daily clutter and noises of an over digitalized world. To retreat. To listen to your inner voice of your soul. 

What is this voice telling you?

Are you shining?
Are you feeling?
Are you awake?
Are you free?
Can you see?
Can you be yourself?

Awareness is the key! 
Are you aware of these moments when you feel simply calm, a brief warm tingling shiver through your body, the silence in your bones. A charming almost sensual smile on your lips. You see the fine filigree details of your surroundings, the last light before sunset gently bouncing of the trees or ocean, a sharp focus, like you just received the gift of eagle eyes. You hear nothing, but your soul blooming.

That’s the feeling of bliss.
Bliss is found in the true beauty of the moment, in the here and now, neither in the past nor in the future. 
It is what it is, not what you want it to suppose and wish to be. It just flows. 
It heightens the sense of love, the inner light which guides you, the sense of ambiguity between being realistic and believing in miracles. To embrace changes and new beginnings, instead of holding tight to people, pattern and behaviours which do not serve us anymore.

If we want to find meaning in this world - stop chasing after so many things and turn our gaze inwards to find our balance. 

The ultimate symbol for balance is yin & yang, which is not only representing the female & male energy, rather a principle - like earth & water, the sun & the moon, summer & winter.

It varies in intensity, comes, and goes in waves, like the flow of the ocean - sometimes calm and smooth, the other times rough and tempestuous. 

Which shows us, the darkness cannot exist without the light, the light cannot exist without the darkness.

This duality resides inside of all of us. 
Its total equality, unity & harmony ☯️

Therefore, duality is oneness

We won’t be one with ourselves and the world, unless we accept and appreciate the dark & light inside and outside of us.

“Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may in, therein to be content.” (Helen Keller)