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what you seek is seeking you

The majority of Earth’s cultures have forgotten what love really is. Unconditional love is not the norm in modern societies, nor has it been for millennia, if ever in most places. When we ask human beings about how they define love, they usually tell us about heartbreak, disconnection, the fear of not being worthy, of losing the other person if we reveal our true selves and fear of hurt and doing something wrong.

We have a false impression of what love really is from very archetypical beginnings that anything great is worth suffering. When we are conscious or unconscious unsure of ourselves, we seek love in wrong places, so we often confuse love with physical temptations or desires. Seeking fulfilment in one another is an old paradigm of an attachment based relationship of control, craving, clinging, neediness, believing in the illusion that our happiness can only come from being with another person, which ultimately ends in suffering – we create co-dependency. Deep down we feel stuck, lonely, fearful, criticized, and abused. We please people in order to be liked and accepted, validated and seen.

There is no fear in the energy of love, in fact love & fear are the opposites sides of the energy spectrum.

Unconditional love on the other hand is completely free from expectations and unrealistic conditions of our mind, but the commitment to the truth in our heart. There is no because, the soul loves for no reason and every reason. Unconditional love means an interdependent relationship of equally giving & receiving, with healthy boundaries and respect towards ourselves and each other.

Only the pure heart is the gate to soul truth, so we arrange to meet people who are really hard to love, these are the souls of volunteers to help us to understand unconditional love.

Some of us know this aching, yearning feeling since childhood that we are not complete one with ourselves, the endless, restless search of “that other part of us”. We know its somewhere, we can feel it, and with every attempt of engaging in a potential relationship we aim to find, but get mentally and emotionally damaged further. We feel confused and think love might not be

Until one day, all that changes, when we meet this one person unexpectedly, our true love. It’s not really like love at first sight, rather soul recognition. The first moment our eyes meet each other in the glance of the moonlight, our crouched hearts make an instant jump from stumbling in the moisture beach into the effervescing shore, ready to dive into the depth of the wild unknown ocean.

True love is the feeling of knowing each other since the dawn of eternity.

True love is a feeling of finally being home, like a safe harbour.

True love is like gravity which pulls two people magically together, not just on a physical level.

True love tells us our name feels like a soothering sound in his ears. True love likes laughing with each other, the way she expresses her emotions and the unique fragrant scent of the others skin.

True love can silently gaze into each other’s eyes for minutes until we can see into our own heart. True love is an exact energetic vibrational match, our mirror soul.

And there is no way to go back to “ok” to settle once we experienced what it feels like to dance within the ignited flame, of sensual kisses of “not from this earth”. True love only exists between two beings who understand that love is based on commitment, devotion, and knowledge. True love is freedom of the soul, not obsession and attachment. It feels like ecstasy without apparent cause, every breathe is a seductive caress of the heavenly lover.

Nevertheless, it feels intense and somehow scary to meet our self in someone else, because we cannot ultimately lie to us and get mirrored back the light & shadow sites of our hidden soul. So, we often run instinctively until we get haunted back and realize, it’s our self we are running away from – not someone else. When we feel triggered, it’s our own reaction to things which create our own pain, and realize that two broken halves still don’t make a whole.

We think true love hurts. It’s a pain so deep that we hear our own heart cracking. We may believe it’s the other person hurting us, but in truths, it’s our own way of seeing the experience that hurts us. Instead identifying it as an opportunity to discover ourselves better and highlight and allow what we need to heal within. True love does not hurt.

He feels guilty, wrong, ashamed, and afraid, because he knows he hurt her, not just once. Although that seems to be true on the surface, what he is unaware of - he is performing his role, his job, his gift to her perfectly. His mistakes are hers. She knows his tears, his suffering, the sound of silence, she feels him, she cares. He is her greatest inspiration, her heroine, her favourite dancer, her star in the sky whilst the darkest night.

This special bond is unbreakable, it is eternal. Therefore, it is an erroneous belief that their challenges are more real than the love they veil.

Every day and every hour she transformed her pain into power. Feelings after feelings, stripped away layer after layer, pain after pain, skin after skin, truth after truth until the last broken piece is sealed. It is meant to be that way, because her soul wants healing from within herself. She had to rise on her own to find magic unveiled and shine. If she would be sheltered and loved by a man, she would not have found herself, her purpose, to find balance & harmony in her own power. She went on this journey to climb the top of the highest mountain, alone by herself, without support, to see her own death, to feel her own struggle and illusions and shift old paradigms to honour her soul.

She had to remove the crown of thorns around her heart, allowing it to heal her core wounds; this, with a sense of virginal purity to emanate from the heart, realising that even tremendous suffering has not tarnished its radiance, but only allowed it to grow strong. She liberated herself, free from fears, expectations, and confusing thoughts and instead be open to life with curiosity and reverence to feel beauty and innocence of challenging times.

It is a long journey, however the view from the top of the mountain is breath-taking. She comes back to life, her rebirth, out of the ashes, she rises like a phoenix, from the student to the goddess, to find herself, to love herself and therefore to open up her heart to true unconditional love.

And she finally realized she holds the key all long, to rise higher in love. There is no divine miracle when we do not participate from within, outside forces only trigger us to trust our own energy and intuition. We must ride the waves by ourselves. The tides of love can never be forced, it happens when it is time, in the universal flow. The heart doesn’t want to be forced, we don’t get to decide for others how they are meant and should be. Let us choose to stop fighting, if others don’t react as we think they should supposed to base on our own  perception. Love is no battle field. We don’t force words or reactions, we only choose our intentions and life will unfold gracefully for us. Let others choose to evolve.

So, it is vital to understand and learn to hold space for each other, that means to let him breathe and love each other as we are. To love, no matter what we are able to give back at this moment. We need to feel complete and strong within ourselves, before we can hold space for another with patience and compassion. Space only is, it doesn’t say yes or no. It means to let it be, rather to let it go.

This approach to love is a catalyst for growth and maybe the balance between the two extremes of giving up and make life happen a certain way for ourselves. To take a leap of faith.

So she surrenders to the magic wisdom and flow of life, because her heart and soul know, even if it takes him a day, a week, a month, a year or another lifetime – she trusts - he will find his way back home!

And until then, she is preparing their sacred temple and follows her mission to be her infinite authentic self.