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The mask we live in

Do you know the exhaustible feeling when your throat constricts, your heart beats too fast and your palms sweat?
When you feel dizzy, an uncomfortable aching pain and your stomach is tightened? 
When you feel empty, small, and suddenly all alone?
When you want to get out of bed in the morning, but your body feels utterly rigid & numb, so you barely able to move?

That's the underlining feeling of ...


Fear of change, of failing, of rejection, not being loved, of stagnation, of not being worthy, not good enough, of shame & guilt, of disconnection, of being successful, of not be truly seen, of intimacy, of losing someone or something...

Let yourself feel all of it, it's a brave thing!

If we truly realize the unlimited power of our own thoughts, it would make us take every thought captive, it's with our thoughts that we create. Our natural state of being is one unlimited potential, hindered only by our limited beliefs fostered onto us as children or teens. 
Remember how as a child you felt you had the intrepid power to spread your wings and fly and make mountains shift?

Above all we just need one thing for everything to fall into place. Just one thing to bring out our best. And It's already within us…


Expansion and progression excites us, the lack of courage makes us procrastinate.

It's courage that ignites the flame, makes eyes sparkle, arouses enthusiasm, and let confidence rise.

It's courage which makes spontaneous adventures, trust our gut feeling, let battles win and souls recognize each other.

It's courage that let's passion explode like a volcano, enriches personal freedom, makes bold decisions and shift energies.

It's courage that embraces love, makes endorphins race like a speed car and creates magic.

It's courage that trusts & believes all is in divine order, brings tears of joy, seizes opportunities, and let's challenges conquer.

It's courage that asks for forgiveness, let negative cords cut to be loose, uniqueness to be empowered and ensures actions to be taken.

It's courage that leverages out of comfort zones, allows hearts to heal and come together, let imagination flow and others feel inspired.

It's courage that let us step back in the arena, gives freely, build castles in the sky and spread random smiles.

It's courage that inflames curiosity, turns your gaze inwards, let's the ocean rush deeper and changes the world.

It's courage which is the birthplace for innovation, creativity, intimacy & change!

People with a sense of courage tell the story of who they are whole hearted, they exert vulnerability, show the courage to be imperfect, the compassion to be kind to themselves and others. 
They build intimate connections as a result of authenticity, they believe what makes them vulnerable being beautiful, which is not a comfortable feeling, but a necessary one.

We live in such a vulnerable world, but we deny vulnerability - and the more afraid we are the more vulnerable we get. We stop talking, we resent, we run away, we close ourselves off and pretend what we are doing has not a huge impact on others.

Have the courage to let yourself be deeply seen, that's when we feel truly alive and our inner child can be terrifically playful in its own unique perspective.

inspired by the book:

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