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The Art of Inspiration

Everything is energy. Literally everything, it's quantum physics, things just operate on different energy levels which give them different shapes & forms. The chairs we are sitting on, the cars we drive, the dog we cuddle and play with, the plants and flowers which nourish our body & soul, the laptop in front of us, the airplane which speeds up our ability to travel from destination to destination to experience new adventures, the money we exchange to acquire things we like, the fabrics we touch, the water which flows, the sun we feel on our skin and even you & I.

So, what does that mean?

It is proof that everything and everyone is somehow connected. Just the cords we are energetically connected to each other various, that's why we feel sometimes a strong familiarity or draw to certain people when on the other hand with others it appears we don't have a connection at all or even the energies feel repelling.

If we feel a strong warm soul connection, magnetic pull or even intense emotions like anger, jealousy, fear, grief or love towards certain people or groups that's often a high indication this person belongs to our soul group and we know each other from one or more previous lifetimes. We either here to teach, support, love or awake and shake up each other.

It's a very complex, but deeply interesting topic which once I start talking about will go into the nitty gritty details, because everything is connected and there are so many different systems, theories and philosophies influencing us and this post would be infinite.

The bottom line is - we are all one.

We come from the same source energy. We are here to support and inspire each other to reach our full potential and guided back home to our soul truth on the way through all illusions, karma and old belief systems. Hence if someone is using our words, images, sharing our posts or get inspired by our outfit and style - that's ok. That's actually brilliant and no reason for arousing envy. It means someone is looking up to us. Feel flattered.

The importance for us to understand- not everyone has the capabilities, courage and prowess to be a leader - we need plenty of catalysts to spread the encouragement, love and messages to uplift vibrations and make this world a united better place. There might be a limited amount of people who have the ancient wisdom, but these alone cannot do it fast enough, therefore collaborations and creating together is the way to go.

However, on our journey of discovering our soul truth, why we are here for, we have to distinguish between inspiration & obsession. Not every experience serves us and not everyone is acting in our best interest. That might be even true for our own family, brother, or twin sister.

Some people will use our light, pretend it's their own to bath in our magic. They manipulate and use people for their own advantage by using our identity. They desperately want something we have, and they don't. They copy and create a false identity.That probably feels like an energy vampire to us and can be very exhausting and we have to protect ourselves energetically.

How can we help these souls?

Have compassion towards them, bless them and accept that they are on their path to remember and find their own life purpose. Which is exactly what we all here for. We help these souls and our own to get out of the limbo by finally reclaiming our own power and speak our truth. With that attitude we will serve and help them to be able to step into their own identity.

Although we are all connected, there is ever only a unique you which no one will be able to copy. It's our own frequency, like our own radio channel which no one can hear but our selves. Let this encourage us to stand up for ourselves and radiate our unique magic and share our individuality with the world. No one can steal our light, unless we give our power away and allow it.

Let yourself be seen and inspire others to do the same.